Ozone unit

It was suggested to create a standard program that would ensure a competitive level of eco-education at all stages of education.
On 13 September, 2019 a thematic meeting was held in Lake Arpi National Park for the students and teaching staff of the Trbanjyan Seminary of the Mother See of Holy Ejmiatsin, aimed at raising awareness in the area of ozone layer preservation and specially protected areas.
The National Ozone Unit of the Ministry of Environment with the support of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure is launching a series of workshops in all 10 provinces of Armenia and Yerevan dedicated to the energy efficiency of HVACR equipment.
The National Ozone Unit of the Ministry of Environment of Armenia in conjunction with «Zvartnots» International Airport organized a study visit for the members of the Refrigeration Association of Armenia to celebrate the day.
The meetings were attended by representatives of 17 universities and various departments of the Ministry, and covered such issues as the reflection of various environmental issues including the ozone layer protection in the curricula as well as internships and other related issues in this area.  
Deputy Minister Irina Ghaplanyan touched upon the sectorial aspects of the two countries, expressing hope that the visit would be mutually beneficial and efficient.
During the meeting the participants were briefed on the background of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol «Օn Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer», the process of international negotiations, the adoption of the Kigali Amendment at the 28th meeting of the Parties in 2016 and the ratification process in the Republic of Armenia.
The cooperation between the Ministry of Nature Protection and «Teach for Armenia» Educational Foundation was launched on April 13, 2019 at the French University. About 60 fellow teachers from different regions of Armenia participated in the event.
On 27 March, 2019 the National Assembly ratified the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer presented by the First Deputy Minister of Nature Protection of Armenia Irina Ghaplyanyan.
The agenda offered two issues for discussion:  1. Development of educational standards of "Refrigeration Facilities" specialty, and  2. update on the Regional Training Center establishment and nomination of the candidates as trainers.