Ozone unit

ODS Alternatives Survey Second Stakeholder Consultation was held on December 23-24, 2016 at Alpina Hotel in Tsaghkadzor back to back with the Closing Meeting of the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA attended by about 160 participants from the Ministry of Nature Protection,
On November 4th, 2016 the National Ozone Unit under the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA visited N162 kindergarten of Yerevan to conduct an awareness seminar for the kids.
The world has changed since we last marked International Ozone Day. We now have our 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will foster equitable inclusive growth and further the well-being of people and our planet.  On climate change, the Paris Agreement marks a historic turning point in our common journey towards a secure and sustainable world.
The series of events dedicated to the International Ozone Day were held on September 16-17, 2016 at Khosrov State Reserve under the theme “Ozone and climate: Restored by a world united” complemented by the tagline “Working towards reducing global-warming HFCs under the Montreal Protocol”.
On July 22, 2016 on the initiative of the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) and VivaCell-MTS, the annual Painting Day took place at Yerevan Zoo, summarizing the results of the 7th and 8th Pan-Armenian Painting Contests.
Launching of the informative coloring book and poster on the protection from the UV radiation, developed by the National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Nature Protection of RA in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of RA, was held on 13 July, 2016 on the Aznavour Square. 
On July 12, 2016 the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA hosted the second stakeholder meeting on «Preparation of Second Phase of HCFC Phase-Out project» (HPMP). The meeting was attended by representatives from various departments of the MNP, respective bodies, business sector and experts. 
On May 17, 2016, the National Ozone Unit under the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA, within the frameworks of "HCFCs Phase Out" programe, organized the training on "Prevention of an illegal trade of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)" for customs officers.The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA Mr. Khachik Hakobyan welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of this initiative, also presented the main functions of the Ministry and current environmental issues.
The law on “Environmental education” of RA aims at creating the unified national system of an environmental education by providing continued environmental trainings from pre-school level to wider population. The most important part of this unified system is the environmental trainings at schools, which should be directed to the formulation of environmental consciousness and behavior of younger generation.