Ozone unit


On 12-13 May, 2018 a preparatory meeting took place in the ‹‹SunChild›› Eco-club of Urtsadzor community within the framework of the ‹‹Enabling activities for HFC phase-down›› project.

The meeting was attended by employees of the National Ozone Unit of the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA and other related divisions. In the first part of the meeting the main functions and goals of the National Ozone Unit were presented, which were further on followed by a discussion on improving the efficiency of activities implemented under the projects, and the NOU official website operation.

The group exercises carried out in the open-air and inside the building were aimed at promoting the capacity building of the participants, enhancing the team spirit, strengthening tolerance and communication skills.

The meeting was voluntarily complemented by the ‹‹Kait›› Art Development Center teaching participants national dance and bringing them back to their roots.