Ozone unit

The Importance of Energy Efficiency in the Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Sectors

This briefing note provides an overview of energy and carbon
related issues, looking in particular at:

  • the rising demand for cooling and the growth of refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) equipment in global electricity consumption and peak demand;
  • cooling-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions;
  • energy efficiency opportunities in the RACHP sectors and HFC phase-down;
  • and the multiple benefits of more efficient RACHP equipment.

This note also addresses briefly the technical potential for improving RACHP
energy efficiency, as well as policy measures, financing and barriers to efficiency.
Briefing Notes B and C explore these topics in more detail.
The purpose of this information note is to provide a background for the parties. It
is not meant to be exhaustive or in any way prescriptive.